FirstQuest Development Methodology Crisis
I am shedding another development skin. My first solo game (working title: FirstQuest) is bogged down in 'engine development'. Until now, I have been using 'enjoying coding' as a motivation tool to keep up momentum on the project. This, coupled with the fact I enjoy systems engineering, has led me into the clichéd problem of over-engineering the game engine. Looking forward to working part-time from September (having one day a week to work on games) has made me re-assess how I develop code. I now intend to split 'play coding' and 'work coding'. Work coding: Stick to agile principles: Develop only what is required to move the game forward. Keep code as modular as possible, but DO NOT engineer systems. Stick RIGOROUSLY to test-driven development - EVERY bug needs a unit test before fixing it. During the one day part-time, ONLY do work coding. Keep play coding for evenings/weekends. (This should allow use of work velocities) Play c...