June Monthly Projects
Last month's projects
They weren't 100% successful, but I got some stuff done.
Wall-mounted PC: completed
Coding make: demo submitted to game jam. Still plenty of work that could be done to it, but I'm pleased with what I achieved.
Non-coding make: Westworld-style Shadowrun setting. This was slightly disappointing. I read plenty about San Francisco and pored over maps and such. I came up with some nebulous ideas, but with nothing concrete to show for it. A particular stumbling block for me was that I know nothing about San Francisco. Making a setting based on a real-world location I know nothing about seems like I'm setting myself up to fail - it'd never be believable to anyone who actually knows the city.
Reading: This was hella slow going, but I wanted to study the book (and still do).
Despite incomplete projects, I feel like making a shortlist was pretty useful for helping me focus on particular ideas. So here's this month's projects:
June's projects
Physical make: Build a model Starfury I have had in the cupboard for literally decades.
Coding make: Write a DOS Mode-X tribute to Silk Worm.
Non-coding make: Fantasy-setting card-based RPG. Dig up my previous notes and try to move this old project forward.
Reading: Russian Thinkers by Isaiah Berlin. I'm not going to try and study this one - just read it!
And thus a new month (belatedly) begins...
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