August Monthly Projects

Last month's projects:

Physical make: Model Starfury DONE! :)

Coding make: Write a DOS Mode-X tribute to Silk Worm

It's getting there...

I'm taking a break from it this month though.

Non-coding make: Fiction sci-fi fragment about a hand-to-mouth existence on a frontier world.

I didn't get round to this at all.  I might just drop to three projects each month.

Reading: Russian Thinkers by Isaiah Berlin

I finished it!  It was a really interesting read - I'd recommend it.

August's projects:

Physical make: CnC router.  I'd started this ages ago, and I have a platform which slides from side to side when you push it.  This month, I want to get the Raspberry Pi and motor controller to be able to control the movement of the platform.  Maybe I'll get further and build the mounting for my Dremel, but baby steps...

Coding make: I'm going to write an entry for Lowrezjam 2020.  My super-detailed plan which is in no way me making it up as I go along: to write a mouse-keyboard helicopter in Godot.  It'll be awesome.

Reading: My Past & Thoughts by Alexander Herzen. 

Herzen was one of the writers covered in 'Russian Thinkers'.  He lived through Napoleon's capture of Moscow, as well as being in Paris for the February Revolution, AND he describes plenty of 19th century Russian life.  I'm really looking forward to it! :)


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